Les essentiels du soin équin en hiver : un guide complet

The essentials of equine care in winter: a complete guide

Winter brings its share of challenges for horse owners. Low temperatures, harsh weather conditions, and shorter days require special attention to equine care. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to protect and care for your horses during the colder months.

Horse winter paddock blanket

Nutrition and hydration

Horses' dietary needs increase in winter because they expend more energy to stay warm. It is crucial to adjust their diet to meet these increased needs.

Winter hay horse box

  • Increase forage rations: Forage, like hay, is vital in winter because the digestion of hay produces internal heat. Make sure your horses have consistent access to good quality hay.
  • Bring food supplements if necessary: ​​Consult your veterinarian to find out if supplements are necessary, particularly vitamins and minerals.
  • Ensure sufficient hydration: Ice water can discourage horses from drinking enough. Use water heaters to keep water at an acceptable temperature and monitor their water usage regularly.


Proper shelter is essential to protect horses from the elements.

Box window open winter

  • Stalling or open shelter: Make sure horses have access to dry, wind-protected shelter, whether it is a stable or open shelter.
  • Regular cleaning: Clean stables regularly to prevent ammonia buildup and maintain a healthy environment.
  • Ventilation: Good ventilation is crucial to avoid breathing problems, but avoid cold drafts.

Exercise and Care

Regular exercise remains important in winter, but it must be adapted to the conditions.

Horse career winter blanket

  • Reduce intensity and duration: Exercise should be less intense and shorter in winter. Consider leisurely walks or light work on the arena.
  • Warming up and cooling down: Allow extra time for warming up and cooling down to avoid muscle injuries.
  • Hoof Care: Hooves should be cleaned regularly to avoid problems related to snow and ice.

Caring for your horses in winter requires vigilance, attention and an adaptation of your usual routine. By following these tips, you will ensure the well-being of your horses during the cold months, ensuring their health and happiness. Remember to consult your veterinarian regularly for advice specific to your horses.

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