About Equinapix

How was Equinapix born?

I am Xavier and my life in Normandy is a perfect harmony between the natural splendor of horses and the captivating world of artificial intelligence. Imagine a place where every day is a blend of the raw beauty of nature and the prowess of modern technology. It was in this idyllic setting that the spark for Equinapix was born.

One morning, while I was looking at a photo of one of our horses, a dazzling idea crossed my mind. Why not combine the power of AI with art to transform this simple but powerful image into a unique, collectible work of art? This idea was not just a passing illumination; it was a revelation.

Thus was born Equinapix, much more than a simple online platform. It's the perfect marriage of my passions for horses, art and technology. In fact, Equinapix transcends the traditional concept of photography to make it an evolving art.


I am extremely excited to introduce Equinapix and its many innovative features:

  • AI Transformations: Our AI engine is specially designed to transform your horse photos into fascinating works of art.
  • Personalization: Each work is a personalized creation, a new vision of your horse that reflects its character and essence.
  • Gallery Art Quality: We do not compromise on quality. Each work is created to be worthy of an exhibition space.
  • Artistic Diversity: From abstract art to realism, choose from a range of styles and techniques to personalize your work.

That's not all. The magic of Equinapix also lies in its community. Join us and discover a passionate community of people who share your love for horses and art. Participate in online workshops, learn from our experts and exchange tips and tricks.

So don't let your horse photos gather dust in a corner. Transform them into beautiful works of art with Equinapix. Together, let's redefine equestrian art for the 21st century. I invite you to start this incredible artistic adventure and create your own unique collection today!